Petroleum companies group is a combination of enterprises with different activities types.
The production of polymeric composite reinforcement, grid and flexible connectors is one of the group main activities.
Composite reinforcement and flexible connectors are especially strong spindles of 4 to 32 mm diameter with a spiral prominence of glass or basalt fibers impregnated with a chemically resistant polymer binder. Composite grid is especially strong spindles of 2 to 10 mm diameter, twisted into 50 to 200 mm cells.
A new generation composite products have some advantages and values over traditional metal products:
- Cost saving Introduction of products reduces the cost of work up to 30%. The small specific gravity and the ability to produce products according to the customized individual sizes may minimize the cost of delivery and unloading, since there is no need to use heavy transporters, special equipment and a large amount of labor force.
- Corrosion resistance Composite products are corrosion resistant, thereby service life increases.
- Lightness Composite products are 4 times lighter than metal ones. Unlike metal structures, composite products do not make walls heavier.
- Strength Composite products are 3 times stronger than steel ones. The strength of composite products allows to reduce the diameter size in comparison with the classical metal reinforcement, while maintaining all the necessary properties.
- Ease flexibility Storage and delivery of composite products is possible in a more convenient format due to this property – bunches.
- Dielectric Concrete structures reinforcement with material with good dielectric properties allows eliminating possible electromagnetic interference after the building is set into operation.
- Diamagnetic property Structures reinforced with composite reinforcement are slightly sensible to magnetic fields, unlike steel reinforcement.
- Radio transparency This property availability allows using of composite products in special-purpose facilities without creating radio interference inside the building.
- Energy Efficiency Composite products have low thermal conductivity, which allows avoiding “thermal bypasses” and significantly improving the thermal insulation parameters of concrete structures.
- Installation ease Composite products are very convenient in operation.
- Service life The performance of composite products is not worsened within 80 years of operation or longer.